[ouiiuhgobp] Download Fathur - Luxury Signature Fonts Family From PutraCetol Studio

Fathur Signature
Fathur Signature is a luxury and elegant handwritten signature with natural and stylish flow. This font has been designed from recreate natural handwritten letter. This font have two style (line and flat).
The Scientist best uses for signature, heading, cover, branding, invitation, label, poster, logos, quotes, product packaging, header, merchandise, social media & greeting cards and many more.
In Zip Package :
- Fathur Signature (otf, ttf, woff)
- Fathur Signature Bold (otf, ttf, woff)
- Fathur Signature Flat (otf, ttf, woff)
- Fathur Signature Flat Bold (otf, ttf, woff)
Comes with feature :
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Alternate
- Number, Punctuation And Symbols
If you have any questions, feedback or comments, please feel free to send me a message.
Happy Creating!
PutraCetol Design Studio